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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Try This:

Story of Evil:
-Daughter of Evil
-Servant of Evil
-Message of Regret
-Daughter of White
-Twilight Prank
-Re Birthday

-Proof of Life
-Soundless Voice

-Part 1: Looking For You in the Sky
-Part 2: Hikari to Kage no Rakuen/Paradise of Light and Shadow
-Part 3: ???? (to be continued)

Kingdom Hearts-Logo

King Mickey's Letter-to Sora, Riku & Kairi

I wanted to tell you immediately.
There are memories asleep inside you.
Those memory fragments connect to the future.
Sora, Riku, Kairi, the truth surrounding the Keyblade, passes through numerous connections, which are inside your hearts.
Sora, it all leads to you, and everyone is waiting for you.
The only one who can heal their sadness* is you.
It’s possible that the travels up until now, compared to the next trip, may have been easy.
Everything thought to be accidental was really connected, and the door to a new departure, already seems to be opening.


*”Sad people”: Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Roxas, Xion, Axel, Namine

Kairi's Letter-to Sora

"Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.
And who knows:
starting a new journey may not be so hard,
or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds, but they share the same sky —
one sky, one destiny."

Some words from Kingdom Hearts you might like~~

"I don't need a weapon! My friends are my power!"

"Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!"

"Don't ever forget. Wherever you go, I'm always with you."

"What are you talking about? I am me! Nobody else!"

"Roxas! We will meet again. And then we can talk about everything. I may not know it's you, and you may not know it's me. But we will meet again. Someday soon. I promise!"

"You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials."

"My friends are my power... and I'm theirs!"

"The three of us will always be one."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Kata-Kata frontal tanpa mikir yg dikatakan temen-temen :D

-"zaha!! zaha!! bila jadi kecil!!" dikatakan sambil membawa sapi kecil
-"kamu! ngelempar kaya tahu gejrot!! kelakuan kaya monyet salto!!" *tiba-tiba secara frontal
-"aing boga temen garelo kabeh" *tiba-tiba dan dingin
-"kan tadi wika nembak dian pake rumput, terus dia ketawa, saya juga ketawa, terus saya liat farhan tidur, terus tiba-tiba saya ada di bawah aja" *dengan muka polos setelah jatuh ke solokan

maaf klo ada yg ga suka namanya disebut, bilang aja, nanti aku buang postnya, maaf yaaa klo ada yg ga suka

Ga penting banget nih post :D

Apa aja boleh (?) :p pertama-tama maaf karena b. ing saya jelek

life is something we can't guess... sometimes makes us happy... sometimes makes us want to leave everything behind and just kill ourselves then past away.. the most wrong thing to do is to think that your life is worse then any one else's.... because that's just wrong.. every one have a problem... but every problem gave us a lesson.. important lesson we can't forget, sesungguhnya tuhan tidak akan memberikan ujian yg melebihi kemampuan mahluknya, so just try to solve your problem, not run away from it, yah kesalahan paling besar yaitu aku pernah mau nyoba bunuh diri, terus aku cerita ke temen, eh dia malah ngajak bunuh diri berjamaah, ga jadi deh aku.. hehe :D yah lagian bunuh diri ntar matinya pasti masuk neraka... salah pula berpikir untuk bunuh diri.. such an awful thing to do... aku orangnya memang plinplan, suka ngomong sendiri, kaya hampir gila *ngga nggaaaa, siapa gila, apa itu gila, ga kenal ga kenaaal* ya aku di bilang berkepribadian gandaaa, ah biarin ah, yg penting hepi :3 wkwk, jadi ga nyambung...

KESIMPULAN: jangan pernah menyerah untuk menyelesaikan masalahmu, karena banyak orang di luar sana yg mendapat masalah yg jauh lebih berat tp mereka ga menyerah... pokoknya jangan lari dari masalah... just see everything from the bright side... think of something right that can make you happy, then do it.. kalo aku sih kalo lg dapet masalah berat ya besoknya langsung ngejekin temen-temen sampe kaya orang paling bahagia :)) *sesat*don't try this at home*PLAK!*digebug* udah udah ah... pokoknya jangan pernah lari dari masalah dengan cara yg paling buruk yaitu bunuh diri, apa lagi bunuh orang, apa lagi bunuh diri berjamaah, apa lagi bunuh orang berjamaah *lho??* ah udahlah ini makin cacad aja, sekian dari saya  terima kasih (?) *plak!

maaf kalau ada kata-kata yg tidak sepantasnya saya katakan, atau ada bahasa inggris yg salah, maaf, saya memang salah.. maafkan saya.... saya tidak bermaksud melakukan itu... maaf :'( maaaaaf... tolong maafkan saya *lebay mode: on* ah udaaaaaaah!!!


Kingdom Hearts-Weapons

Sora’s Keyblades:
Other Weapons:

Riku’s Keyblades:
Other Weapons:

Roxas’s Keyblades:
Other Weapons:

Mickey’s Keyblades:

Donald’s Staves:

Goofy’s Shield:

Terra’s Keyblades:
Other Weapons:

Ventus’s Keyblades:
Other Weapons:

Aqua’s Keyblades:
-No Name

Only as far as i know, tell me some more if you found one :)
